


LINE CTF 2021 Writeups

I'm tired since I played 2 CTFs successively without sleep. So, I only leave very simple writeups. Other members' writeups: st98.github.io Although there were lots of pwn tasks, I only solved 2 tasks.*1 (Spending most time on sqlite pwn, I…

Securinets CTF Quals 2021 Writeups

I solved all of the pwn tasks, one forensics, steganography, and rev task with other members. Although I felt the stego and forensics tasks somewhat guessy, I enjoyed the CTF overall. Solving those pwn tasks after the heavy LINE CTF was a …

zer0pts CTF 2021 開催記

はじめに 2回目のzer0pts CTF 2021を開催しました。 今年も去年に引き続き、中級者向け〜上級者向け難易度を目標にしました。 正直去年は全完チームが4チームいて簡単だった説が出ていたので、去年より少しwarmup以外の難易度を引き上げたと思います。 なの…