We zer0pts played 3kCTF-2020 which was held from 24 July 2020, 17:00 UTC for 20 hours. There are 5 categories (rev, web, pwn, crypto, misc) and the number of the tasks were well-balanced. I mainly worked on pwn tasks and I felt they were w…
I played UIUCTF 2020, which had been held from July 18th 00:00 UTC for about 48 hours, in zer0pts and we reached 5th place. The overall difficulty was hard but many challenges I solved were fun as well. I mainly worked on pwn and kernel ta…
TSG CTF 2020 had been held from July 11th 07:00 UTC for 24 hours. I played it in DefenitelyZer0, a collabolation team of Defenit and zer0pts, and reached 2nd place. I was one of the pwn members and we solved all the pwn tasks. I got 5 out …
I wrote the 6 pwn tasks of ASIS CTF 2020 Quals. Here is the brief overview of them. Challenge Vulnerability Estimated Difficulty Full Protection stack overflow, fsb warmup babynote integer overflow (to get out-of-bound address write) easy …